Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Research Onion

Research onion shows the phases that a researcher must cover while developing research strategy. According to the figure of research onion, first, the philosophies of the research should be defined which serve as the starting point of research. After that, the approaches, strategies, choices, time horizons and techniques and procedures are identified step by step. The advantage of research onion is that it provides a series of step to researcher to take while conducting or developing research methodology.
1.      Philosophies: The philosophies of the research provide a set of belief on what basis the research is being conducted. Research philosophies also depend on the objectives of the study being conducted. According to research onion, there are four main research philosophies:
·        Positivism: In positivism philosophy, only the factual information gained via observation is considered. The researcher role is limited to data collection and interpretation and research findings are usually observable and quantifiable. In addition, the researcher personal or any other human interests have no place within the study.
·        Realism: The philosophy of realism is that the researcher and reality are independent and will not create biased results. The only difference is that realism believes that scientific method is not perfect.
·        Interpretivism: Interpretivism involves researchers to interpret elements of the study, thus interpretivism integrates human interest into a study. In this philosophy, it is important for the researcher as a social actor to appreciate differences between people.
·        Pragmatism: Pragmatism believes that the concept that supports action is only relevant. Further, only one way can’t be relevant so there are many ways to interpret things. Research questions are the most important factor in this philosophy.

2.      Approaches
·        Deductive: Deductive means that you start with a statement or question and your research sets out to answer it. In other words, the deductive approach develops the hypothesis based upon pre-existing theory. This approach is suitable when research is about whether the observed action satisfies the result of previous research.
·         Inductive: Inductive is the opposite of deductive as it starts with observation and the end result is the generation of new theory.

3.      Strategies: Research strategies involves plan of future such as how he/she intends to do each and every step in order to accomplish the goal of the research.
·        Experiment: Experimental research refers to the strategy of creating a research process that examines the results of an experiment against the expected results.
·         Survey: In survey, the researcher considering size of population selects sample and sends them standardized questionnaire to collect data and conclude results.
·        Case study: Case study research is the assessment of an object or event in order to draw result from study. Case study is suitable in financial research such as comparing the effect of investment in difference scenario.
·        Action Research: This strategy is concerned with addressing issues to find and implement solutions. The process of Action Research moves from a clear objective to diagnosis of the problem and generation of a list of actions to solve the problem.
·        Grounded theory: Grounded theory is a qualitative methodology that draws on an inductive approach whereby patterns are derived from the data as a precondition for the study.
·        Ethnography: Ethnography involves the close observation of people from their own perspective and aims to understand their customs, habits and mutual differences.
·        Archival research: This strategy centers its data collection on existing data sets or archive documents. This allows for exploratory, explanatory or descriptive analysis of changes tracked over a long period of time. However, the accuracy and breadth of information available may be an issue for a researcher relying solely on this type of secondary data.

4.      Choices
·        Mono method: The mono-method involves using one research approach (qualitative or quantitative methodology) for the study.
·        Mixed methods: The mixed-methods required the use of two or more methods of research, and usually refer to the use of both a qualitative and a quantitative methodology.
·        Multi-method: The multi-method approach is where the research is divided into separate segments, with each producing a specific dataset; each is then analyzed using techniques derived from quantitative or qualitative methodologies

5.      Time horizons: The Time Horizon is the time framework within which the project is intended for completion
·        Cross-sectional: The cross sectional time horizon is one already established, whereby the data must be collected. The data is collected at a certain point. This is used when the investigation is concerned with the study of a particular phenomenon at a specific time.
·        Longitudinal:  A longitudinal time horizon for data collection refers to the collection of data repeatedly over an extended period, and is used where an important factor for the research is examining change over time.

6.      Techniques and procedures: Data collection and analysis is dependent on the strategies and approach used. The process used at this stage of the research contributes significantly to the studies overall reliability and validity. Regardless of the approach used in the project, the type of data collected can be separated into two types: primary and secondary.
·        The Primary Data: Primary data is first-hand sources, or the data derived from the respondents in survey or interview data.

·        Secondary Data: Secondary data is that which is derived from the work or opinions of other researchers. 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Skill of Sales Person

There are many approaches to approach consumer, however they each of the have a tendency to depend on the same expertise set. Note that these are abilities, not gifts: abilities are characteristic, but rather aptitudes are found out. Anybody can figure out how to be a viable businessperson, and great sales representatives can get to be awesome ones by sharpening the following abilities. 

Keeping up Self-Confidence 

This is the completely most imperative ability a businessperson can develop. 

Why? Since the various aptitudes depend on constancy. On the off chance that you have each different deals aptitude recorded beneath however you surrender at the principal insight of a "no," then you'll never have an opportunity to utilize those abilities. The first occasion when you address a prospect, they might not have any desire to converse with you since they're having a terrible day... be that as it may, in the event that you get back to a week later they'll be avid to purchase. 

Fearlessness doesn't end with steadiness; on the off chance that you trust in yourself and your item, your prospects will be slanted to accept also. Fearlessness will likewise slant you towards a more self-assured shutting approach, which is key to your offering achievement. 

Great Listening 

Most salesmen are common talkers. Lamentably even an extraordinary speaker will just get so far without a touch of tuning in. Taking an ideal opportunity to ask your prospect questions and truly listen to the answers indicates regard for them, and gives you a clearer thought of what they need. 

So in what manner would you be able to tell in case you're doing what's needed tuning in? Whenever you chilly call a prospect, ask an open-finished inquiry and afterward hit the quiet catch and abandon yourself quieted for no less than a moment (or until you are certain beyond a shadow of a doubt the prospect is done). By constraining yourself to be calm, you will see immediately how solid your inclination is to bounce in and say something before the prospect has quit talking. 


Feeling assumes a noteworthy part in deals. There's a well-known axiom that "components tell, benefits offer." Features are the certainties about your item or administration; advantages are their enthusiastic undertones. For instance, a 0% loan cost on a charge card is an element... having the capacity to spare cash while purchasing the things you need is an advantage! Convincingness is the expertise that permits you to pass on these feelings to the client. On the off chance that you can make your prospect feel how extraordinary it will be to possess your item and how much their life will be enhanced when they have it, you can offer it to them. 

Building Strong Relationships 

This business aptitude is pretty much as vital to a salesman's business life as it is to their own life. Assembling and keeping up solid connections is the way to building up a solid system. What's more, systems administration will permit you to reach far, much a larger number of prospects than you could oversee all alone. 


Indeed, even the best businessperson is a work in advancement. You can simply figure out how to build up your abilities, take a shot at your pitch, and take in more about the items and administrations you offer. However, the drive to always enhance yourself needs to originate from inside. Your supervisor may guide you to roll out a few improvements if your business begin to dive, however in the event that you are always attempting to improve as a sales representative you can begin dealing with the issue before it influences your numbers.

Difference between Product and Service

There is a noteworthy distinction between products and service in view of both substantial and also impalpable elements. Merchandise are fundamentally questions or items which must be produced, put away, transported, advertised and sold. Lays chips, BMW, Adidas are a few organizations producing products. 

Services then again are yield of people and they can be a group or individualistic activity or execution by a person. For instance a stylist or a sanctioned bookkeeper are giving individual administrations. Carriers then again have planes which is an item yet going via planes is an administration (aircrafts are a standout amongst the most focused administration segments today). 

Along these lines the contrast between products and services depends on substantial quality. Where products are substantial in nature, services are for the most part immaterial. The great principles which characterized administrations were elusiveness, heterogeneity, perishability and variability. Be that as it may, in spite of the fact that the old tenets are pertinent even today, a few new guidelines have been added to characterize the distinction amongst merchandise and administrations. 

Contrast betweeen products and Services  

The underneath specified 5 focuses help you in seeing how product and Service vary. 

  • Proprietorship is not exchanged – When purchasing an administration, the service possession is not exchanged to the end client. On the off chance that you purchase an auto then the auto is yours. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you purchase a ticket for an aircraft, then the carrier is certainly not yours. 
  • Elusiveness – How would you gauge service? In an eatery, the dish can be measured, however the endeavors gone in making the same dish by two distinct culinary experts can't be measured from the client end. The time and exertion gone for offering service to the client is elusive. Both proprietorship and impalpability are old fashioned contrasts between products and services. 
  • Association of client – In service, there is more association of client in delivering service to customer than product. In manufacturing of product, customer don't have any involvement and simply purchase the product and makes use of it by themselves. But in service sector, customer themselves participate in delivering of services such as ATM provided by bank.
  • Quality – In manufacturing of product , mass assembling is regular. What's more, mass assembling implies consistency. In any case, services include a ton of physical work because of which the quality may change every time. Consistency in services is an element which every administration proprietor tries for. 
  • Assessment of service is harder – As quality changes every once in a while and the inclusion of client is greatest, assessment of various services gets to be harder. But, in case of product, all product have same features so it is easy to assess the performance of product.

Challenges of Diversity in Workplace

To stay aggressive in today's business sector, it is essential to endeavor to draw in, contract 
furthermore, hold qualified differing workers. Shockingly, associations in some cases lose qualified employment candidates all the while. This can happen due to two reasons. One, the candidate's potential for the occupation is thought little of, and the candidate is screened out. Maybe this is because of social mistaken assumptions, preference, or simply absence of talking abilities with respect to the questioner. On the other hand two, the candidate chooses the association is not a decent place for them to work, and the candidate screens the business out.

Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace 

Taking full favorable position of the advantages of differing qualities in the working environment is not without its difficulties. Some of those difficulties are: 

  • Poor Communication - Perceptual, social and dialect boundaries should be overcome for assorted qualities projects to succeed. Inadequate communication of major goals brings about disarray, absence of cooperation, and low assurance. 

  • Change resistance - There are dependably representatives who will decline to acknowledge the way that the social and social cosmetics of their working environment is evolving. The "we've generally done it thus" attitude quiets new thoughts and hinders progress. 

  • Execution of assorted qualities in the working environment approaches - This can be the superseding test to all differences advocates. Outfitted with the consequences of worker appraisals and exploration information, they should construct and actualize a tweaked procedure to augment the impacts of assorted qualities in the working environment for their specific association. 

  • Effective Management of Diversity in the Workplace - Diversity preparing alone is not adequate for your association's differences administration arrangement. A procedure must be made and executed to make a society of differing qualities that penetrates each office and capacity of the association.

The Three R's of Marketing

Effectively promoting you and your business is not generally a basic or straight forward errand, but rather there are three perspectives to your business that you can concentrate on that will unequivocally profit you and the execution of your business. 




Here are five tips to consider on how you can amplify your 3 – R's. 

Merge your present customer connections : Try not to dismiss your current customers close behind of new ones. It costs five times as much to pull in another customer than it does to keep a customer. Pareto's Law expresses that 20% of your clients will give you 80% of your new business and new referrals. Experience your information base and distinguish the main 20% and audit how you can enhance these connections for the long haul. 

Look for referrals from your group : Record a rundown of your group of individuals – customers, suppliers, partners, partners, and other conceivable contacts. Distinguish potential supporters that can advance your message, give criticism on your administration or skill. In the meantime you can bolster them in their goals. As somebody once said "Sparkle the light on others and you sparkle considerably brighter. 

Host a "data" occasion : You can rapidly fabricate your profile and believably by facilitating your own data sessions welcoming your customers, their companions and your group. Accomplice up with other complimentary members and you have an extraordinary chance to showcase your business, your profile and your administrations. 

Compose and get distributed on-line : Fabricate your notoriety for being a specialist and compose, website, twitter and YouTube on the web. Gotten the message out on your ability and you spread the news on your business. It can require investment and a guarantee to compose and make articles yet it can be a powerful instrument to advance you and your business without it costing a penny. 

Support your nearby group : Investigate your neighborhood group, inside 10 kilometers of where you live and work there will be a plenitude of business open doors and new connections that could be significant to you and your business. Discover something you are enthusiastic about, where you need to confer your time. Not just will you like the positive commitment you are making in your group however it could give you an extraordinary stage to showcase your business.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Customer Care in Services

Customers are the group of people who provide profit to the business organization by using certain products or services in order to satisfy their needs and wants. In general, customer are the one around whom all kinds of business works. So, it is very important to take care of customer needs and wants for business organization to survive and sustain in the competitive market. And, the act of taking care of customer needs and wants by providing helpful products, servic
es or any kind of assistance before, during or after the purchase of the products or service.

No matters on what business industry are you involved in, customer care/service should be the top priority. In a service industry, Sale involves high level interaction between business organization and its customers. The ability of employee and employee themselves are instrumental in creating and providing service to customers and quality also depends on employees of organization. The quality of service depends on the perception of customer so it is very important to care for the customer in service industry.

Therefore, the service based industry should make sure that each and every member of organization understands the value of customer care. And in order to implement customer care, service-based industry should understand the following things:

Need for Customer Care: The taste and preferences of customer are changing with changing environment. With changing needs of customer and rising of potential competitor, the need for customer care is also increasing. This is the age of information. Customers can easily access any information with the use of mobile and internet about product and its alternatives, competitor and expectation of customers also gets high with information available on the web. In order to sustain in the market, the businesses need to make sure that they are taking proper care of their customers.

Customer Care Programmes: In order to set up a effective customer care programmes, organization should try to learn more and more about customer and establish trust relation with customers. Organization should also demonstrate that they care about their customers (organization can simply send a message to its customer such as Happy New Year, Happy Birthday or in any other special occasion and it doesn’t cost much too). Organization should set clear standards and develop a system or programmes that best suit their customers.  And in customer care, communication is very crucial so the organization should regularly contact customers or even send personalize message to special customers on special occasion and the organization should also provide easy access to organization for customers to provide their feedback.

Benefits of Customer Care:  A business can expect a number of benefits for taking care of customer by providing services or any kinds of assistance that can solve or satisfy a consumer problem. Some of them are as follows:
  • ·         Increase in revenue via increase in sales
  • ·         Customer Loyalty
  • ·         Increase in goodwill and development of positive public image
  • ·    Lively workforce and workplace as satisfied customers provides positive vibes to the employees

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Marketing Myopia

The term marketing myopia is coined by Theodore Levitt. Marketing myopia is an approach to marketing that focuses on needs of the company and product rather than needs of consumer. Marketing myopia leads company towards failure to understand the changing needs of consumer and adjust according to their changing taste and preferences.
Marketing myopia occur when business starts to think it is selling the product rather then the solution to the customers. There are so many big companies that have fallen down or gone out of business due to marketing myopia. The moment the business thinks that it is selling the product rather than needs of customers it start to focus more on product or needs of the company. The company doesn't earn profit by focusing on the needs of the product or company. It can earn only profit or revenue only by fulfilling the needs of the customers.
For example: Kodak film company which declines the needs of customer towards digital photography and continue on making reel film and didn’t see Sony as an potential customer due to which it loses huge market share.
Consumers are the one whom the businesses are meant to serve in order to make profit. So, all the business organization try to avoid marketing myopia and try to understand more about consumers needs and wants and should think about long term plan since business are meant to do for a long time not for a two or three days. And in order to avoid marketing myopia and to be successful in business sector, the businesses need to give priority to the needs of customers. Besides, all the business must understand or have the answers of the question, what business are they really in? Organization should really be more customer focused, innovation, conduct market research programs, marketing strategies should be prepared keeping in mind the feedback of consumers.

If you want to learn more about Marketing Myopia, Click Here.